Thursday, June 21, 2012


A californiana Rebecca Minkoff, provavelmente mais famosa pelas malas que desenha do que propriamente roupa, lançou já uma colecção Resort Pre-Spring 2013 e não pude deixar de partilhar convosco. Adoro, adoro, adoro!! Na minha opinião, a colecção é sólida, extremamente comercialzável e eu amava ter TUDO no meu roupeiro! :) E vocês?

The californian Rebecca Minkoff, probably most known for her bags than her clothes, lauched a resort pre-spring 2013 collection and i couldn't resist on sharing it with you. I absolutely love it! In my opinion, the collection is solid, extremelly sellable and i would love to have everything in my closet! :) what about you?


new in

sequined clutch

Ich warte schon mit grosser Vorfreude auf den Summer Sale in Hong Kong, so dass ich in den letzten Tagen des öfteren mal das ein oder andere Geschäfte besucht habe. Leider musste ich dann jedes Mal feststellen, dass ich mich wohl noch etwas gedulden muss, aber mit leeren Händen bin ich natürlich auch nicht nach Hause gegangen. Meine neuen Schätze möchte ich euch heute zeigen.

I've been waiting with great anticipation for the Summer Sale in Hong Kong, so that I've visited the one or the other shops in the last couple of days. Unfortunately every time I had to find out that I have to wait a bit longer. But of course I didn't go home with empty hands. My new treasures I would like to show you today.



Monday, June 11, 2012

pale yellow and light purple

At the risk of bore you, I'll show you another pastel-look with the pale-yellow skirt again. But I can't get enough of pastels at the moment, especially when the weather is so sunny like the last days.
Auch auf die Gefahr hin, dass ich euch langweile, zeige ich euch heute schon wieder einen Pastell-Look und schon wieder mit meinem zartgelben neuen Röckchen. Aber ich kann zur Zeit von beiden einfach nicht genug bekommen. Vor allem, wenn das Wetter so herrlich ist, wie in den letzten Tagen.

blouse: chicwish
skirt, shoes: primark
clutch: hallhuber